Mastering Ludo Point System: Rules, Points, and Winning Tactics

Ludo scoring system

Since the recent pandemic, online Ludo games have taken a huge spike in popularity and have caught the eyes of many. Being one of the world’s most popular gameplay, the online Ludo point system has connected people across the globe who want to have some fun with strangers or even with their families. Addressing the current scenario, online Ludo brought joy to families and friends.

People call Ludo a game of luck but let me tell you it is more of a strategy game as luck always comes into existence when you can’t adopt the right strategy. The main goal of playing online Ludo is to move all four players’ tokens in a clockwise direction around the board and reach the home column. Here the primary objective of the players is to take all the tokens to the home column before the opponent.

All these require the right strategy combined with the right mindset to beat the opponents doubt, playing Ludo is full of fun if you know how to score in Ludo as it is not all about frequently rolling the dice and moving your tokens. Scoring systems in Ludo hold a big role too.

So, the article is intended to clear Ludo scoring basics starting from the Ludo scoring rules to winning strategies in Ludo. If you have an interest or growing interest in playing online Ludo games, make sure to hover over the article where you’ll be learning the Ludo scoring guides and advanced strategies to become a champion.

About the Ludo Scoring System

The Ludo scoring system in online Ludo games acts as the backbone of gameplay. It is a structured way to bring players into action and reward them for the action they take on the board. If you still remember the traditional Ludo, it was all about taking all the tokens to the home column before the opponents but the Ludo scoring system prioritises points, making the game more competitive and strategic.

Ludo game points are given for moving tokens, taking tokens to the home column, and cutting the opponent’s tokens. The modern variation of online ludo comes with unique challenges, such as a unique scoring system to keep the players engaged for a long time.

However, the Ludo points system is only crucial in the online format of Ludo games where matches are played very quickly, and points determine the winners. So, as an online Ludo player, you must understand the Ludo gameplay tips to strategise better. Exploring the content highlighted below will clarify your basic understanding of the Ludo scoring rules.

How Does Ludo Scoring Work?

In online Ludo gameplay, every point is awarded for performing specific actions on the board. Let’s look at how the Ludo points system works.

  1. Points on every move: Online Ludo gameplay awards one point to players every time they move their tokens.
  2. Taking tokens to home column: When a player successfully reaches home, bonus points are added to the total score.
  3. Cutting opponent’s token: when a player cuts any tokens of their opponents, the gameplay sends it back to the starting area and a reward extra point to the players.
  4. Extra turns: Always remember, getting a specific number after rolling dice or achieving actions like cutting tokens, or taking tokens to home always grants extra turns.
  5. Losing Points: If your tokens are cut by your opponents, you’ll lose all your points associated with the specific tokens.

Furthermore, there may be a slight difference in the Ludo scoring rules depending on the Ludo game you are playing. This is because the internet has variations of Ludo games where understanding your games and scoring system should be your priority to be a game changer.

Ludo Board Game Strategies to Play Better

Ludo tips and tricks

Winning strategies in Ludo require careful planning and decision. Your every move may turn into rewarding points if you play wisely. Excelling Ludo gameplay tips is the first step towards winning your opponents. Below highlighted are some Ludo gameplay tips to maximise your rewards.

Spread Your Tokens Over the Board

It is said everywhere to not rely on just one token with a mindset of earning more points. In reality, moving your tokens around the Ludo board maximises the Ludo point system. The key strategy of moving your tokens around the board is, that you still have a chance to continue your scoring even if your one token is cut.

Look for Safe Zones

You must have noticed some star marks(safe box) in the board made for staying safe from the opponents if they are closer to you. So, by prioritising a safe box, you can stay safe with your tokens.

Plan for Bonus Points

Plan wisely to score more bonus points depending on the game mode you are playing. Consider this to achieve higher reward points than your opponents.

Neutralise the Opponents

Setting clear goals of cutting your opponents not only neutralise them but also back their progress and you can take your tokens home easily.

Eye on Time Limit

In Ludo scoring rules, time also plays a crucial role. So, don’t waste much time on deciding which tokens to move, as it will impact your overall score.

Mistakes to Avoid in the Ludo Scoring System

Mistakes in games are common and even experienced players with immense years of experience can make silly mistakes. This is also true that making mistakes frequently may affect the overall score in Ludo. 

Playing Games Without Knowing Rules

As discussed above in the article, there are different modes of Ludo including Turbo, Ninja, League, etc. As every mode offers different rules, you need to learn the unique rules and gameplay to avoid missing any opportunities.

Playing Too Passively

Playing too passively or unknowingly may put your score at risk. A well-curated approach should be taken to gain extra points.

Failing in Extra Turns

Missing the chances of taking extra turns is the biggest mistake to avoid to boost your score in online Ludo games.

Unbalanced Gameplay

It is important to keep a balance between your offensive and defensive gameplay. For some time defensive gameplay may make you safe but in the long run may hinder your progress while on the other hand, aggressive gameplay can make your tokens closer to cuts.

Time factor

Most of the online Ludo modes penalise players for every skipped turn, significantly decreasing the reward points. Make sure to embed effective time management in your gameplay for a winning strategy.

Ignoring Opponents Moves

Ignoring your opponent’s moves may be costlier for you as it might leave your tokens more vulnerable to cuts and may impact your scores.

By understanding these Ludo tips and tricks, you can avoid common mistakes and make your gameplay better than earlier.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you score in Ludo?

Various modes of Ludo offer different Ludo point systems but deciding your gameplay, and choosing your tokens to move wisely always works better in scoring Ludo.

What are the rules for Ludo winning?

To win the Ludo game, players need to take all their tokens to the home column before the opponent does. The rules may differ in different modes of Ludo.

Is Ludo a game of skill or luck?

Ludo is not a game of luck, it is about strategy combined with luck.


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